Installation / Upgrade URL: https://login.salesforce.com/packaging/installPackage.apexp?p0=04t6g000008fk5y
Added support for Flow Permissions on Profiles / Permission Sets
Note: (Not required for a fresh install) If you are upgrading the package and for this to work in Automated / Scheduled runs, an admin will need to update the metadata and add the value “Flows” to the Sections to Notify About multi-picklist field.
1) Go to Object Manager, then find the UAR Result object. Under Fields & Relationships find the Sections to Notify About (uar__Sections_to_Notify_About__c) field. In the Values section, click New, enter “Flows” and then save.
2) Once that’s done, you will need to edit any existing UAR Result records and choose the new “Flows” value in the Section to Notify About, for the email notifications to take effect for the Flows section of the report.